Breaking Waves: Ocean News

07/08/2024 - 12:14
This live blog is closed. Rachel Reeves has finished the speech, in which she confirmed a range of measures to speed up planning. I will post a full summary shortly. She is now taking questions. I have repeatedly warned that whoever won the general election would inherit the worst set of circumstances since the second world war. What I have seen in the past 72 hours has only confirmed that. Our economy has been held back by decisions deferred and decisions ducked. Political self-interest put ahead of the national interest. A government that put party first and country second. New Treasury analysis I requested over the weekend exposed the opportunities lost from this failure. Had the UK economy grown at the average rate of OECD economies since 2010, it would have been over £140bn larger. Continue reading...
07/08/2024 - 11:46
Government urged to enforce more stringent rules amid target to build 1.5m new homes this parliament Labour must stand firm against special pleading from housebuilders, who are likely to argue against fitting out new homes to stringent green standards, experts have warned. The chancellor, Rachel Reeves, laid out sweeping changes to the planning system on Monday in her first speech on reviving economic growth while pursuing the climate goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Continue reading...
07/08/2024 - 11:07
Neonicotinoid was given emergency clearance under Conservative government in 2023 and 2024 The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is being investigated by the environmental watchdog after Conservative ministers authorised a bee-killing pesticide that was banned by the EU. The investigation into Defra was launched after the campaign group ClientEarth submitted a complaint to the Office for Environmental Protection, which was set up after Brexit to replace the EU’s framework for punishing environmental offences by governments in the bloc. On Monday, the OEP announced it would be investigating the emergency authorisation of a neonicotinoid pesticide in 2023 and 2024. Continue reading...
07/08/2024 - 10:00
Researchers say EV models with vehicle-to-grid capability will be a huge and flexible resource able to respond to emergencies Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast On 13 February, when freak winds brought down a transmission line in Victoria and shut down the state’s largest power station, a fleet of electric cars plugged into a charger in Canberra 500km away stirred. Within six seconds, 16 vehicles started discharging their batteries, sending power back into the grid. While the contribution – part of a pioneering research project – was minuscule compared with the 90,000 households who lost electricity, the experiment showed how EVs could help ease grid calamities of the future. Continue reading...
07/08/2024 - 09:32
Heat warnings or advisories in effect for states in the south and on the east coast and west coast, including evacuations at Neverland ranch A fierce heatwave that shattered records this weekend will again grip much of the US on Monday, with more than 36 million Americans under excessive heat warnings. The dangerous temperatures caused the death of a motorcyclist in California’s Death Valley. And they posed challenges for firefighters working in sweltering conditions to battle a series of wildfires across the state. Continue reading...
07/08/2024 - 06:14
Rachel Reeves says she will revise planning policy and decisions should be taken nationally, not locally Business live – latest updates UK politics live – latest updates The Labour government is to end a de facto ban on new onshore windfarms, to the delight of environmentalists and energy experts. The ban was caused by two footnotes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the rules that govern the building of homes and infrastructure. These footnotes applied only to onshore wind, and no other type of infrastructure, and required such strong proof that there was no opposition locally that they made building turbines impossible, given there is nearly always some local resistance to any building proposal. Continue reading...
07/08/2024 - 02:59
Laura Davy, who travelled from Tasmania to take part in a protest at a coal terminal, will appeal prison sentence Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast A 21-year-old woman who secured herself to a piece of machinery during a climate protest at a Newcastle coal terminal has been sentenced to three months in prison. The climate protest, which is now in its 14th day and has involved daily actions, was organised by Blockade Australia to call for a change to the economic and political system to achieve meaningful climate action. Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup Continue reading...
07/07/2024 - 23:00
The lifting of a long-held ban has angered conservationists, but others argue trophy hunting can support local economies and even help protect threatened species In the borderlands of Tanzania and Kenya, the “super tuskers” roam. A combination of old age, genetic pooling and prolonged protection from poaching has created a population of bull elephants with enormous tusks, weighing up to 45kg apiece, large enough to scrape along the ground as the animals walk. To many, the bulls are “living icons” of the African savannah. They are also highly prized by trophy hunters. Now, a series of super-tusker killings has sparked a bitter international battle over trophy hunting and its controversial, sometimes counterintuitive role in conservation. Some conservationists believe the killing of these extraordinary animals should not be allowed. Others say controlled, regulated hunting can actually contribute to elephants’ long-term survival by providing jobs for local people and incentives for habitats to be preserved. Continue reading...
07/07/2024 - 21:00
Copernicus Climate Change Service says results a ‘large and continuing shift’ in the climate The world has baked for 12 consecutive months in temperatures 1.5C (2.7F) greater than their average before the fossil fuel era, new data shows. Temperatures between July 2023 and June 2024 were the highest on record, scientists found, creating a year-long stretch in which the Earth was 1.64C hotter than in preindustrial times. Continue reading...
07/07/2024 - 17:00
Research suggests impact of pollution begins before conception by disrupting the development of the egg Air pollution exposure can significantly decrease the chance of a live birth after IVF treatment, according to research that deepens concern about the health impacts of toxic air on fertility. Pollutant exposure has previously been linked to increased miscarriage rates and preterm births, and microscopic soot particles have been shown to travel through the bloodstream into the ovaries and the placenta. The latest work suggests that the impact of pollution begins before conception by disrupting the development of eggs. Continue reading...